William Boothstraat 2-2 | 8861 TL Harlingen | The Netherlands | +31 (0)517-431077

Frequently asked questions

Clients often have questions about Rood Boven Groen training courses, exams and certificates. If you have a query, perhaps it is already answered below.
If you need further assistance, don't hesitate to give us a call (+31 517 431077) or send an email, info@roodbovengroen.com.

I passed the final assessment; when will I receive my certificate?

If you have followed the training with a Company Code, the certificate will be sent to the company

For the following training courses, you will receive an email containing your certificate within a few minutes of completing the exam:

  • Company security officer;
  • Passenger ship crowd management;
  • Crisis management and human behaviour refresher;
  • Passenger safety, cargo safety and hull integrity refresher.

Please print this certificate and keep it safe with your other certificates.


Rood Boven Groen will issue certificates for the following training courses within three working days:

  • Passenger safety, cargo safety and hull integrity;
  • Crisis management and Human Behaviour;
  • Security awareness;
  • designated Security Duties.

We will send a scan of the certificate to your email; the original certificate will be sent to your address. Please be aware that, depending on your place of residence, it may take up to two weeks for the original certificate to arrive.

I did not pass my final asessment; can I take it again?

If you do not pass the final assessment, you can review the content of the training course again and retake the final assessment two times.

Can I take the final assessment without reviewing the training course material?

We strongly advise against taking the final assessment without having reviewed the training course material. The vast majority of participants will not pass the final assessment without the help of the training materials. You have three chances to pass the final assessment, it may be that you lose one of these chances should you take the exam unprepared. 

What is the validity of my certificate?

Our training certificates have no expiry date. This is because for our training, unlike the Basic Safety training, Proficiency in Survival craft and Resque Boat, Proficiency in Fast Resque Boat and Advanced Fire Fighting, you do not necessarily need a refresher training.

Personnel who are required to be trained in accordance with STCW regulation V/2 paragraphs 7 to 9 shall, at intervals not exceeding five years, undertake appropriate refresher training or be required to provide evidence of having achieved the required standard of competence within the previous five years. Under the Dutch flag, this can be demonstrated by 1 year of relevant sailing time in the past 5 years.

The Security Awareness, Designated Security Duties, Ship Security Officer and Company Security Officer course have an unlimited validity.


Can the training be stamped in my Seaman's Book?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to send a sticker for the Seaman's Book. However, a sticker is not necessary as the exam certificate is superseding.

I would like to follow the Crowd Crisis training, where can I find this?

Although we often speak of 'Crowd Crisis' training as a single term, these are however two separate training courses.

  • Passenger ship crowd management and;
  • Crisis management and human behaviour.


Why is the Passenger ship crowd management training course not approved by the Dutch Maritime Authorities (Dutch Flag)?

The training institute 'Rood Boven Groen' is approved by the Dutch Maritime authorities (Dutch Flag). During an audit, the Dutch Flag reviewed the lesson plans and course contents of all our training courses. The Dutch Flag did not issue a certificate for Passenger ship crowd management as neither the STCW Code nor Dutch legislation require certification for this short course.

Why do I have to close the training course to go to the final assessment?

The training course opens in a new window. If you close the window you will return to your personal page. You can also start the final asessment from there.